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In the Spring of 1988, a group of Lansing General Motors Retirees took the initiative to start the Club, which would provide an opportunity for area retirees to meet and visit with each other socially on a regular basis. 

In recent years the Club has opened the door to not only retirees but also anyone who

has a GM relationship.

We provide many Social Events. Check out our current calendar on this website,


To help our members keep up with the Club's and GM's activities, we issue Newsletters and an Annual Membership Directory, along with Monthly Bulletins using member's

emails. Paper copies of all Newsletters and the Annual Active Membership Directory are available for an additional cost.


Over the years, the Club has maintained excellent relations with local UAW-GM Management, Retiree Communications, and Personnel Staffs at GM's Central Office in Detroit.


If you're interested in joining us, TAP HERE.

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